Thursday, April 21, 2016

Reflection on Local Revision

This blog will cover the week of revision before the project is due and turned in. I will explore how I felt this week went and how the revision phase went this week.

This week was successful in that I was able to focus a lot on this project. Many other classes didnt give out much work this week so I was able to read and re-read my essay multiple times. I was able to revise many different times and each time I go back and look at the essay I find new things that I want to change or that I think could have been done better. This week I was able to do everything and more with the essay that I had hoped. I think that the essay has become more cohesive, more oriented around the solution that I am proposing and also has become better organized this week.

This week also had its challenges. I struggled to re-write certain areas of the paper this week that I knew had to be re-written or at least heavily revised. I also found it very difficult to perfect the paper as every time I looked at the paper I would find new things that I disliked and wanted to change. I dont think that I will ever be completely satisfied with this paper but nevertheless I definitely feel that it is a better paper than the rough draft version that was written two weeks ago. My only concern is that I was not able to establish enough authorial legitimacy in this "formal paper", I feel like to include personal examples and other things would weaken the paper and make it seem like I was just ranting about how much I hate sitting in rush hour traffic.

Next week is the start of the last project so I feel that it will go fairly well considering that I am ready for this semester to end. I can finally move on from this paper and begin looking at the bigger picture of my work this year through the means of a video essay. In essence I dont know what to expect from next week besides for a lot of work in this class and in other classes as well.

Overall like I mentioned before, I feel rather unsure about this project. I thought it was going to be easy to write an essay since I've done so many before. However this was not the case. I actually really dislike this essay and I'm so glad that I'm essentially done with it. I will most likely look over it a few more times before submitting it this weekend. I think this project has been a good growing experience for me as a writer and I am just glad that it is over with and I can move on to a different genre and topic.

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