Thursday, April 21, 2016

Peer Review of Alexis Morrison

This is the last peer review for Project 3. I will focus on peer reviewing Alexis Morrison's essay for copy-editing or content.

I tried to help the author by giving feedback on what went well and what could have used more help in the essay. I think that the argument is clearly stated and that the ideas presented are clearly stated. The language used is very purposeful, in fact the whole argument of the essay is about purposeful language. I found that the language used did in fact do this. I also thought that there might be an opportunity to include some sources however I dont know if that is what the author wants to accomplish with this paragraph.

I didn't use the students guide very much for this review. I did keep in mind the things that the students guide said about content and the way that content is presented. But I didnt need to talk too much on that point since the author did such a good job at presenting the content.

I found the argument very interesting and I found myself wanting to read more of the article. This is the sort of reaction I want readers to have when they are reading my essay. My argument and proposal isnt nearly as much in the forefront of public opinion as Alexis paper is.

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