Friday, April 8, 2016

Refection of Production Week

This blog will reflect upon the week of production and how the production of Project 3 went/is going. This is an attempt for me to reflect upon how this week went and what could have been done better and of course what I think went well.

This week had very few successes besides for moral victories. I had to write 2 different full length essays this week which pushed me behind my actual schedule that I had hoped to adhere to. However I managed to get the one essay done and I am making good progress on this essay. I have all my ideas organized, now it is simply a matter of turning them into actual sentences and paragraphs.

This weeks challenges are as I had talked about previously. Not only did I have to write two whole essays this week, but I had to catch up on material missed in last weeks absences. I currently am running about two days behind schedule but I hope that I can squeeze the rest of my work in during this very busy weekend. However I am confident that everything can get done and that I will be back on schedule by next week.

I think next week will go well based upon where I am currently. I should have the rough draft completely done by sunday night which will allow me to start doing revisions on monday night. From there the progress of the work should go as scheduled and should be smooth. I anticipate finding a lot of problems with my essay since I am having to rush to get it done this week. But two weeks of revision will allow me to polish it and make this a legitimately decent essay.

I am feeling less confident than I was before at this point in the project because I am falling behind schedule. However I still feel like this project has the potential to be a very successful project and I believe that it will receive a decent amount of attention over the next several weeks which will make it a good project.

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