Monday, April 4, 2016

Peer Review for Pre-Production #1

In this blog I will peer review on of my fellow students from my class. This peer-review will be based around a few different aspects of the project. This is a very strange way to peer-review someone, I have never peer-reviewed someones project before they have written it or constructed it.

I will peer-review Joshua Smith's Project 3 pre-production schedule. In this review I will review his production report and provide a resource recommendation for further ideas for his project. This will give a fresh set of eyes into how he is planning to write this essay or project.

I believe that I helped the author out by congratulating the author on a well done planning schedule. His schedule and plan look incredibly well paced and clear thought. I believe that ultimately the way he has his project planned out will help him immensely and will help this project develop smoothly. I also think that the little bit of advice that I gave him to keep his eyes open will really help in during the production of his essay.

I was planning to incorporate a lot of information about how he could organize and pace his week better, stuff that is found in the student's guide, but he actually did a really nice job of working that. In this instance I told him he did a good job and encouraged him to continue doing that and to stick to the paced out schedule that he made.

One thing I could learn from this production schedule is that pacing out things is crucial. I tend to pace out projects at a good span but I feel like he did a better job and I would like to emulate that on future sections of my project.

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