Friday, April 1, 2016

Peer Review for Project 3 Number 2

This blog will be the second of the peer reviews for project 3. This peer-review will be for a student outside my class but will cover the same basic functions as the previous peer-review.

This peer review will cover the Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3 by Tianna Jones. This peer review activity will focus around reviewing a rhetorical analysis which means that I will be focusing on advising and looking at her brainstorming process.

I feel that some of the things I did well in this peer review was advising her about making sure to harness her personal passion for her subject in a healthy way. Sometimes when someone can be so passionate about a subject they can be easily swayed away from the main topic they are trying to focus on, thus if you are really passionate about a subject then you should really make sure you are staying on topic.

One of the emphasis's in the Student's Guide is to stay on topic and really build around that topic, especially considering the emphasis on organization. This was done through the reminder to stay focused on topic and use personal ideas and thoughts to back up the argument instead of being swayed away from the topic.

One of the things that I would like to take away from the way they did this project is the level of organization that she had for each idea. She seemed to thoroughly be passionate about what she was talking about and seemed to have a legitimate interest in it. I wish that I could have a project where I could just write for hours about it because I was so passionate about it.

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