Saturday, April 9, 2016

Peer-Review 1 For Production

This blog will focus on peer reviewing one of my fellow classmates work. In this blog I will be reporting on the peer reviewing of Joshua Smith's paper about Hydraulic Fracking. I focused on looking at the form of the paper in this review activity. 

I tried to help the author by giving feedback on what he did well in the form of using quotes and explaining them in order to set up the controversy. I hope that by doing that he can emulate that strategy in the rest of his paper. I also advised him on how I thought he could better organize his citations. 

I tried to use the advice on proper organization that I found in the student handbook, particularly the ones about proper quote usage. However that is about all that I did using the student handbook regarding looking at form. My biggest concern with form is usually always about organization and how effective it works in keeping the ideas and train of thought flowing. 

One of the things that I admired about the way that form was used in this segment was the use of direct quotes to create credibility. I think that if I could incorporate my sources more clearly into my sections possibly through direct quotes, I think my paper would be infinitely better.

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