Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Production Report for Final Project

This blog will cover the production of some of the materials for the final project. I will evaluate how the material shown affects the project as a whole as well as why the segment does what it does. I have chosen to upload a very raw version of the audio voice over for the video's introduction. 

The form of this content is obviously very raw. The idea was to have the content flow as naturally as possible while maintaining some sort of organization. I decided that this introduction must feature the background ideas of the class, or at least the ones that I thought were worth focusing on in great detail. I tried give a short synopsis of everything that I was going to cover in my video as well as why that played into the main ideas of the class. This project's genre of video essay helped me use a natural and relaxed tone for the audio.

The production of this raw audio was very slow. There were many hiccups and challenges to producing it. First and foremost I had to do several takes because I would forget my train of thought or get caught up in a rabbit trail that would add several minutes to the recording and change the context of the entire thing. Secondly I had to also remember to give myself cues for what sort of images I wanted to play in the video while I did my voice over, so if I got too much into detail I could potentially ruin the video with boring audio. Nevertheless once it came together it captured what I wanted the video to focus on. 

Here is my raw introduction audio

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