Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Production Report 2 for Final Project

This blog will discuss the production of the final project like the last blog did. However I will focus on a different section of raw background audio for this report. Again this is not the completed video but rather just the audio that will play in the background and guide the listeners thoughts.

The form of this opening body section is very similar to that of the introduction. I talk about Project 1 in this segment and how much it changed my opinion of writing as a topic. I used raw and unscripted thoughts and descriptions of the project to show how my opinion of what writing is has changed. This section is just the audio voice over of the section so hopefully the visual images of qrg's will bring my points home for the listener/viewer.

The production of this material went fairly smoothly, in fact it was originally included in a much larger section of work that talked about most of the projects in general. I had to record this section several times in order to get the information that I wanted presented fluently. I also needed to cut this section out of a larger section which meant editing the raw audio to be just smaller bits of audio.

Here is my first body segment of audio for my video.

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