Thursday, April 21, 2016

Peer Review of Bianca Aguilar

This blog post will focus on the peer-review of Bianca Aguilar's video essay. I tried to leave valuable feedback about the design or form of the section that was posted.

I tried to help the author by giving feedback on how effective the genre conventions used were as well as trying to find how I could find some genre convention that could be done better. The author used a lot of genre conventions such as background music and smooth transitions between the images. However I thought she could use more of the subtitles or on screen words to emphasize the point she is trying to get across.

I used the students guide briefly to guide my thoughts on organization although I did not talk a lot about that in my review. I tried to think about how the genre conventions affected the way the video essay was presented. But again I didn't use much of the students guide to guide my review.

I admired how smoothly everything transitioned in this segment. The images moved well from one to another and the voice-over worked quite well. I think that the genre conventions were taken advantage of quite well, that is the thing that I wish I could take away and apply to my essay.

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