Friday, April 29, 2016

Peer Review for Nick Hernandez

This blog post will cover the only peer review for the production week of the final project. There are many different things I could peer review in this section but I chose to look at a content outline for one of my classmates Nick Hernandez. I will review the detail and development of information in his project.

I think that I helped the author by addressing where he needs to add more content and examples to solidify his project. I think that I gave a good amount of positive feedback for him to develop the project off of as well as a few critiques, mostly for lack of examples in some sections. I thought that each section was well thought out and very easy to see how it will become a major section of the project.

I used information from the student guide to encourage the use of specific content examples to base his argument on. Nevertheless this project is a lot more reliant upon personal examples and ideas than the previous three projects were. Thus I dont think I can really critique him very much for lack of content or clarity of content since they are his personal examples and his personal experiences. Overall I think his organization was great, which is the usual thing that I try to take away from the students guide to review people's projects.

One of the things that I think I could take away from his project is the clarity of ideas and the organization of examples. I think that he did a really good job at clarifying his ideas and examples, I so far feel like that is a weakness in my video essay. I think I am going to try to make sure the pictures used in the video hit home my ideas.

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