Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Production Report 1

In this blog I will attempt to give an update on how the production of Project 3 is going. I will be focusing on the Introduction section of my essay and sharing the very rough version of this section.

In this section I focused on trying to format the bulk of the paragraph to set up the main idea as well as set up why there is a controversy to begin with. The essay genre that I chose made this a very simplistic task, however there is still a delicate art form to trying to construct a paragraph that will not only interest the reader but also keep them coming back to read the rest of the essay. I dont know if I was able to do that or not.

The production of this section went very slowly as I was trying to fight off really bad allergies the entire time it was being produced. Due to extremely dry eyes, the writing of this section took forever. This coupled with the fact that starting or opening an essay is the hardest part of an essay for me made this a really challenging section to write.

Here is my introductory paragraph:
"Stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of the sweltering hot desert; many people have been in this situation before, backed up due to an accident in Phoenix rush hour for hours at a time. This traffic backup is a daily occurrence on Interstate 10 (the Papago/Maricopa Freeways) in Phoenix. Not only does this congestion back up people trying to get from the East side of the metro to the West side of the metro, but it also catches tourists traveling through the area and catches trucks as they try to bring goods from the ports in California to somewhere inland or from Mexico to somewhere inland. Phoenix area residents will all tell you that there needs to be a solution to this bottleneck or at least some alternative route to get around this hodgepodge of highways. But any solution will have its own problems, no solution is problem-less; however it is in the best interest to find the least objectionable solution that will be for the greater good. Many alternatives have been proposed to solve the traffic woes of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. None are as controversial as the South Mountain portion of Loop 202, a major freeway loop on the east and south sides of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. The South Mountain Freeway is a proposed pivotal highway link in the Phoenix area that will have major repercussions on the entire state of Arizona if built; the freeway is said to be controversial due to its impact on the environment and its encroachment on a religious site, however this is outweighed by economic impact to the entire state as well as alleviate the major congestion in the downtown Phoenix area which contributes to the major pollution in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, however the construction of this freeway can be done with as little controversy as possible. " 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jason, really great job!
    If you want, you can check out my peer review here:
