Friday, April 1, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post will cover a rough outline of Project 3. This is considered a content outline, in which I describe the overall ideas presented in the project. This outline is similar to the outline that I wrote for project 2.

This project will focus on a specific controversy in the South Mountain Freeway Construction project. I will address how the project can be resolved with as little controversy as possible. This project is very controversial and thus any solution is going to be controversial in some way, I will explain why this project needs to occur and why the opposition to the freeway is absolutely ridiculous.

The project will open with an introduction that will give a solid clear thesis and provide organization for the project. This will be a traditional essay introduction and as such there isn’t much deviation from a usual essay format. The introduction part will feature a large amount of organization and setup for the essay itself. The intro will grab the readers attention through drawing attention to familiar situations that they have been through themselves, ie talking about getting stuck in traffic.

The first body section of the essay will open with an explanation of the anti-freeway argument. This paragraph is essential in setting up why the opposition is wrong. This section will feature the information from the article from the environmental group as well as some of the arguments from the native tribe that the freeway will go next to. This paragraph is needed to show how there are some merits to the arguments of the opposition but that those arguments are not actually a large enough worrisome argument.

The second body paragraph will focus on looking at the merits of constructing the freeway, including the economic and lifestyle benefits to the community. This section will feature the articles from the sources that support the freeway, including the article from azcentral. This section is the main body paragraph supporting the argument for the freeway and may be cut into two sections to accommodate for a lot of work in the paragraph. This is a necessary paragraph to explain why my argument is the correct argument.

The last body paragraph or sections of paragraphs will focus on how I think the project can be built effectively and with as little controversy as possible. I will focus on trying to work around some of the concerns that the opposition has raised in order for my ideas to happen. This section will feature articles from people who are supporting the freeway yet also have a mindset of conservation. This will give me the most moderate views on this project. This paragraph is essentially my version of the how do we fix the problem section. Thus it is a needed section.

The conclusion will focus a lot on why the project must occur. I will have covered this a little before as it will most likely be linked into my thesis somehow. The conclusion will wrap up the argument against cancelling the freeway and will try to convincingly persuade the reader of why the freeway must be built. The conclusion will look at the future if the project is not built. 


  1. Hello, I reviewed your content outline. Here is the link to the review:

    Good Luck on the Project!

  2. Jason, I thought your outline was very clear and organized. The only thing I would say is to be more specific. For example, what is your thesis exactly? And what specific evidence are you going to use to support your claims? Also don’t forget to establish credibility and include logos. However, I like how you are making it personal and relating your argument to situations the reader has been through to appeal to their emotions.

  3. Really well done Jason. Your outline is very organized. The only advise I have is to make sure to state how the information you are using will support your argument. Good luck :)

  4. Hey Jason, your outline is sweet, would recommend just focusing on counterarguments, other than that I hope you did excellent on your final cut of your project...your topic sounds really interesting!
