Thursday, March 10, 2016

Reflection on Production

This blog will function as a look back on the past week's work, the production of Project 2. This week featured quite a lot of work overall and thus there is a lot of things to potentially reflect upon. This blog will address many different aspects of this week's work.

This week featured many successes, the most important of which was getting the project draft completed early in the week allowing me to focus on other classes and reset my mind. Hopefully in a week I can come back and take a reasonable look at the editing process. Another thing that was done well this week was set up process, I was able to script a general layout idea for my podcast before recording which allowed me to keep in mind where my ideas were supposed to go and what sort of information I needed to cover.

The week also featured many different challenges, the largest challenge presented this week was trying to shorten all the material that I had collected or produced down into a reasonable podcast length. This would prove to be a very tedious task. I had to decrease almost an hour of material down to under 20 minutes of material. Another large challenge was just trying to get all the different ideas for the genres clearly specified without taking up too much time and making the podcast boring.

I anticipate next week will go very well because it is spring break and I dont plan to work on this project at all. Although my suspicions are that that isnt what you were talking about with this question. I anticipate that review week will go very well, hopefully the week off will allow me to have a fresh perspective on the project. I think I will have a lot of work to do with regards to taking out the dead spaces and many of the umms or and repeated words. Theoretically there will be a lot of small local revisions.

At this point in time I feel fairly positive about the way the project is going. I think that I was able to actually produce a decent project which accounts for many different factors and yet still addresses the prompt. Im excited to see what new ideas I will have about this project when I return to it in a week.

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