Thursday, March 24, 2016

Peer Review For James Fusaro

In this blog I will peer-review one of my fellow students projects. This project is a podcast from one of my classmates. This blog will hopefully let me look at what I need to do as well to make my project more successful.

I will review the podcast "Medical Marvels" by James Fusaro. I tried to specifically focus on the content of the podcast primarily while also keeping a look at the form structure of the podcast. I was specifically asked to look at the content of the podcast to analyze whether the author accurately answered the prompt question.

I tried to make sure the author knew what I thought about the structure of the podcast, the usage of terms in the podcast and the transitions in the podcast. The author had a tendency to cut off ideas mid sentence in order to get to an audio clip of an interviewer which caused transition problems, but I also thought he did a great job on explaining the genre ideas as well as defining them and their acronyms. I also wanted to point out the way that he used some short stories of the interviewees.

I tried to follow the students guide idea of global revisions. When I wasn't focusing on content I was looking at the overall global content of the podcast. I wanted to make sure that the podcast stayed on topic and addressed the idea of different genres. I thought that it did a good job at that. I didn't focus on any local revisions like grammar or sentence fluency.

I learned to incorporate some small story or sound effect at various times in the podcast just to keep the listener engaged and to break up the monotony of talking for a long time. I also thought that the use of interviews to break up the podcast and give ideas worked very efficiently and could be applied to my own podcast.

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