Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

This blog will focus on looking back at the past two weeks of pre-production which have included interviews and project brainstorming. This blog will also address the occurrence of a changing strategy behind blog posts to become more project oriented.

This week (and last) had many successes. The most important is that I was able to get all the interviews done within half a week. The people that I interviewed were quite cooperative and were very helpful. In fact I wound up interviewing three different people for this project then having to decide which two of the three to use. I was able to get the interviews recorded and some example genres located. All total this means that all the research and the evidence that will be used in this project have been found.

The challenges for this weeks work was ironically a very good challenge to have. I had to choose which two of the three people that I interviewed to include in the project. This was extremely challenging because all three of the interviewers were very interesting and gave very useful and insightful information. Nothing explicitly went wrong with this past two weeks work.

Next week, I anticipate will go really smoothly. I intend to get a head start on next weeks work, specifically the production of the project. I hope that once I get to next week there is much less in the way of work than otherwise, hopefully this will let me produce the best possible project.

So far I am feeling really good about this project, but I have yet to make any of the podcast itself besides the interviews. This may mean I have a false positive outlook about this project. Nevertheless, I intend to try to get as much of this project done before the scheduled date as possible in order to try to maintain a positive outlook about it and maintain a low stress level.

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