Monday, March 7, 2016

Production Report 1

This blog will focus on the ongoing production of Project 2, which is currently just a bunch of unconnected audio pieces. Nevertheless, even though it is early in the production phase I am confident the production will come together fairly effortlessly.

Outline Item: The body sections of this podcast will be centered around the recorded interviews from the professors and the workers in the Civil Engineering field. The first section will be the interview with Professor Wu, a Transportation Engineer at the University of Arizona.

For this update to the project, I chose to share one of my "body sections" or interview pieces. This piece will be shrunk down even more than it already is and will be more fluent and concise but it will retain its "live" formatting. This pure raw form of an interview is exactly what I want for my podcast. Thus if I was working in any other genre I would probably change how the information is presented, but since live interviews are an integral part to any podcast, I found it fitting to incorporate the actual interview itself. Podcast actually encourage this, thus the genre conventions dictate the conventions heavily.

The production of this raw material went very well; I was able to have an engaging conversation with a Professor/ Researcher and maintain a constant flow. Hopefully this interview will be informational. During this production I had to deal with making sure that the dead space is at a minimum, something that still will need to be worked on in greater detail, but that there is still some natural pauses. There is so much good material between the two interviews that I conducted that I will have to cut out so much of the interviews themselves in order to get the podcast down to a reasonable 15 min piece. Thus this is the largest challenge of the production of this raw material, trying to save the best parts and scrap the good parts and bad parts.

Here is the raw audio from the interview with Professor Wu.

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