Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Editorial Report 2

This blog is the second and final editorial report for Project 2. Nevertheless there will be more editing to the other sections of the project after this report is written. This edit will focus on the first interview that was put in my project. Since it is the segment immediately following the introduction, I felt like editing it next and thus putting my editing results here. You will not be entertained.

The content section of this segment did not change at all actually. This section, since it is just an interview, could not be redone in any way. The only content changes that could be made are cutting entire sections of the interview out that didn't fit within my topic for this podcast.

The form section of the segment saw the most amount of editing. This section also had a lot of dead space and ums from both myself and my interviewee. In order to get the interview to flow better and get the entire podcast to flow better, I eliminated many of the dead spaces and the quieter parts of the interview as well as any repetitions from the interviewee. Hopefully this will all trim a few seconds off of the interview segment and help the flow and form to work better. Hopefully now the listener can understand that the interviewee was talking about the difference in fact sheets or small reports and the large plans or formal reports. The interviewee did not mention these specifically because these genre categories are not formal categories.

Here is the pre-edit version.
Here is the post-edit version.

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