Thursday, March 24, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production

This is the last blog for Project 2. In this blog I will reflect on the process of editing this podcast that I created for project 2. This was a very challenging task overall and I found that I was glad that I had done most of the editing before the draft was published. That made this week of editing a week of being able to look over the little things on the project and make sure that it fit the podcast genre as best as I thought it could.

Some of the successes for this week were accurately being able to look at the project with fresh eyes thanks to the break as well as being able to find the small things such as long breaks or repeated words that needed to be eliminated. Ultimately I kept a good majority of the breaks because I felt that it effectively made it seem more like a natural recording and not something rehearsed.

Some of the challenges for this week were actually finding things that I wanted to delete or clean up from the podcast. I found myself constantly trying to think about whether certain pauses were actually effective or whether they were detrimental to the flow of the podcast. I also struggled with the idea of putting pop-culture pieces into the background of the podcast, I was not sure if this was appropriate for the genre but I thought that there needed to be some sort of piece in the background which would break up the monotony of talking on and on about a topic. That is ultimately why I put them into the podcast.

I think next week will be very interesting considering it is a new project and I only have half a week to get stuff done since I will be at a conference the other half of the week. Otherwise I dont know what to expect from next week.

I feel decent about this project. I think I did my best and I think it will be a decent project considering that this is the first podcast I have ever done. Im not sure what to expect from the grading for this project. My hope is that this podcast will meet all my expectations when I look back at it at the end of the year.

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