Friday, April 1, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

 This blog will serve as a reflection on the pre-production for Project 3. I will discuss what I thought went well and what didn’t go so well in this weeks set of work and blogs.

One of this weeks successes was getting a lot of information and sources for my work for next week. I was able to find a lot of sources that support my ideas and my opinion as well as find a good number of sources that oppose my view. This should allow for me to make a very dynamic essay. Overall I think the level and depth of material that I found was a large accomplishment for this week.

Some of the things that were really difficult this week were just trying to get the large volume of work done this week while I was at conference. I found myself constantly trying to fit in doing English homework and research at random times during the day, this included writing blogs while sitting on the beach and doing research very late at night in the hotel and on the bus. Overall I was able to get all the research done within the limited time that I had during the week.

I think next week will go well based off the level of work that I had to do this week as well as the amount of work that I did this week. I think next week will be challenging though considering that I have not written an essay of this level in quite a long time. I think it might take a little time to get me into the writing mood. Otherwise there are always the off chance that there will be some unseen problems next week with putting together all the research into a cohesive essay.

I would say that so far I feel rather prepared for this project so far, although I anticipate that I will either feel a lot better or a lot worse next week based on what happens when writing the essay. Being able to just focus on writing this paper and another paper next week will be very beneficial to me I think. 

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