Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Peer Review for Sofia Haserot

This blog will focus on the peer review of one of my fellow classmates. This blog is the final peer review for this assignment, the final blog of this project, and the final blog for this class. Hopefully this will not be the final blog post ever. I peer reviewed Sofia Haserot's Final Project Podcast with a focus on the content of the project.

The feedback that I gave to Sofia centered around comments she had made to me earlier in class as well as looking at the content of her podcast. I think this was helpful because it gave her the chance to see an answer to her worries as well as get feedback on what she could do better. I tried to give complements and some ideas of what I felt could have been done differently to make certain sections stronger.

One of the things that I took from the Students Guide was the idea of content development. I thought that she could have done several things for when she was talking about Project 4. Her content was not developed very much off this idea which seemed ripe for support. Essentially I thought she should use that as a spur point for either a new section or a conclusion. The mention of the final project seems arbitrary without the development of something off that section. Either way I thought she otherwise did a great job with the way she worked her content in her project.

One of the things that I really would like to take from her project and apply to my project is the ability to keep people engaged. Her podcast seemed very natural and relaxed. It was well organized which allowed my thoughts to flow freely from one section to another but it was also interesting which kept me engaged. I believe that my project is probably lacking these things or at the very least struggle to attain them.

Editorial Report #2 For Final Project

This blog will be the last editorial report that I write for this project, although editing will continue throughout the next several days. This blog will focus a lot on the same things as the last blog did; the content and form reconstruction in a certain section. This report will focus on one of my main sections for this video where I talk about the interviews that I had to conduct for project 2 and how they affected me.

The content of this section did not change that much in total. I did reorganize a few things and trim off some sections so that the main section itself would stay focused on the topic a lot more. Otherwise the content of this section did not need to be changed much; the main goal of this revision was to get the ideas of the section to be more focused and generally more clear.

The form of this section did change a good amount though. As I was eliminating some words here and there, the section itself got shorter. In addition I had to take out some of the awkward pauses between words that should not have been there as well as adding some pauses to places where I thought that they should be. I also eliminated an entire sentence at the end of the section that organizationally just did not fit in the section. It appeared to have been a lead in for another section that just did not happen. It might have also been me trying to bring home another point, but that obviously did not work very well. In essence it had to be deleted either way.

Here is the pre-edit version, here is the post edit version. I must still warn you that there was a lot of editing that went on before the pre-edit version as well that you will not be able to hear, this might have been a contributing factor to the ending awkward sentence in the section in the old cut.

Editorial Report #1 for Final

This blog will look at the editing process for the final project. In this blog I will take a section of my project and edit it to be the best section; in the meantime I will be looking at what I did and how the content/form changed from beginning to end. This editorial report will focus on the conclusion section of my video.

The content of this video did not change at all during the review process. I thought that the conclusion was an accurate breakdown of what actually happened in the project as well as being a good explanation of why writing was important to what I will be doing every day in my career. However these facts were all hinted at in earlier discussions of the projects, the conclusion only serves to summarize and solidify these ideas into one that people can follow.

The form of this video did change slightly. There were many gaps that I took out so that my sentences could flow better or more naturally. I also edited several sentences and removed unnecessary words or phrases that could be confusing or just out of place. There were a few times when I was splicing together sections that the end thought of one section would not flow into the other and I would miss it and leave a couple random words in the section. I tried to edit those phrases out.

Here is the Pre-editorial report version, and here is the Post-edited version. Note I edited a lot of this stuff before I even put the video together so there wasn't nearly as much work this week.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

This post will address the production of the final project; this is an open post to peer reviewers. This is the first chance for people to see my finalized video and critique it. This blog will critique the past week as well as look forward to this weeks work on the final. Here is my final project draft.

This project was a real shot in the dark, I didn't know how to approach the project requirements. In addition this is the first time that I have ever attempted to create a video project of any sorts. Despite this, I think that the video project gave me more freedom and creativity for my project. In fact I found it difficult to narrow down and get specific on the details because there were so many ideas that I could talk about regarding the events of this semester.

This rough cut has some definite issues, one of the primary weaknesses in this essay are the amount of pictures used. I had hoped to get more pictures into the video of the actual previous projects, but then I realized that this wouldn't look the best anyway and that in order to get the best display quality possible I needed to get pictures that were interesting and also went with the voice over in the background. Another issue is the vocal level of the video which I expect will possibly cause people to zone out.

The rough cut also has some strengths. One of the strengths in my opinion is the images that I chose for the video. These images were surprisingly well connected to the things that were said in the voice over. This effectively should connect the display with the audio heard. The rough cut is also surprisingly organized and flows well in my opinion between sections. I think the strengths and the weaknesses are fairly even.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Peer Review for Nick Hernandez

This blog post will cover the only peer review for the production week of the final project. There are many different things I could peer review in this section but I chose to look at a content outline for one of my classmates Nick Hernandez. I will review the detail and development of information in his project.

I think that I helped the author by addressing where he needs to add more content and examples to solidify his project. I think that I gave a good amount of positive feedback for him to develop the project off of as well as a few critiques, mostly for lack of examples in some sections. I thought that each section was well thought out and very easy to see how it will become a major section of the project.

I used information from the student guide to encourage the use of specific content examples to base his argument on. Nevertheless this project is a lot more reliant upon personal examples and ideas than the previous three projects were. Thus I dont think I can really critique him very much for lack of content or clarity of content since they are his personal examples and his personal experiences. Overall I think his organization was great, which is the usual thing that I try to take away from the students guide to review people's projects.

One of the things that I think I could take away from his project is the clarity of ideas and the organization of examples. I think that he did a really good job at clarifying his ideas and examples, I so far feel like that is a weakness in my video essay. I think I am going to try to make sure the pictures used in the video hit home my ideas.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Production Report 2 for Final Project

This blog will discuss the production of the final project like the last blog did. However I will focus on a different section of raw background audio for this report. Again this is not the completed video but rather just the audio that will play in the background and guide the listeners thoughts.

The form of this opening body section is very similar to that of the introduction. I talk about Project 1 in this segment and how much it changed my opinion of writing as a topic. I used raw and unscripted thoughts and descriptions of the project to show how my opinion of what writing is has changed. This section is just the audio voice over of the section so hopefully the visual images of qrg's will bring my points home for the listener/viewer.

The production of this material went fairly smoothly, in fact it was originally included in a much larger section of work that talked about most of the projects in general. I had to record this section several times in order to get the information that I wanted presented fluently. I also needed to cut this section out of a larger section which meant editing the raw audio to be just smaller bits of audio.

Here is my first body segment of audio for my video.

Production Report for Final Project

This blog will cover the production of some of the materials for the final project. I will evaluate how the material shown affects the project as a whole as well as why the segment does what it does. I have chosen to upload a very raw version of the audio voice over for the video's introduction. 

The form of this content is obviously very raw. The idea was to have the content flow as naturally as possible while maintaining some sort of organization. I decided that this introduction must feature the background ideas of the class, or at least the ones that I thought were worth focusing on in great detail. I tried give a short synopsis of everything that I was going to cover in my video as well as why that played into the main ideas of the class. This project's genre of video essay helped me use a natural and relaxed tone for the audio.

The production of this raw audio was very slow. There were many hiccups and challenges to producing it. First and foremost I had to do several takes because I would forget my train of thought or get caught up in a rabbit trail that would add several minutes to the recording and change the context of the entire thing. Secondly I had to also remember to give myself cues for what sort of images I wanted to play in the video while I did my voice over, so if I got too much into detail I could potentially ruin the video with boring audio. Nevertheless once it came together it captured what I wanted the video to focus on. 

Here is my raw introduction audio