This stakeholder is the group that is promoting the construction of the pipeline. Unlike the previously mentioned environmentalists, these people are decidedly for the construction of the pipeline. The TransCanada corporation is the group that wants to build this long pipeline across the United States. This group proposes building a pipeline from Alberta to Texas to transport oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. TransCanada calls themselves a leader in responsible development and operation of North American energy infrastructure. This is a multinational company based in Canada that employs over 6000 people in the energy business. This group has a functional website that is kept professional and modern. However the company is based around physical locations and work. The group is represented by a head governing board of 11 members from the United States and Canada. TransCanada has been responsible for building many pipelines across North America, specifically Canada and the United States. The companies long term goal is to become the leading energy infrastructure provider in North America. The company pronounces itself as a company that is dedicated to protecting the environment and being environmentally sensitive in all of their projects. The company has committed themselves to fighting climate change and assigning accountability within the corporation to maintain awareness of climate issues.
One claim made by this company is that the creation of this pipeline will merit thousands of new jobs created, "The claim that Keystone XL will create “35 jobs” is entirely without merit. Our U.S. oil pipeline system supports the creation of over 20,000 jobs in the U.S. – 13,000 construction jobs (9,000 KXL, 4,000 Gulf Coast Project) – work for pipefitters, welders, electricians, heavy equipment operators and more. And 7,000 manufacturing jobs – from the pipe being manufactured in Arkansas, pump motors made in Ohio and transformers built in Pennsylvania, workers in almost every state in the U.S. would benefit. TransCanada has signed binding Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) with all major building trades unions which guarantee TransCanada will have the best and most talented laborers constructing this vital infrastructure project." Another claim by the company is that the Keystone Pipeline will be extremely safe and might be the safest pipeline ever built "Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions. TransCanada has also voluntarilycompany agreed to 57 new safety procedures to provide even greater confidence regarding the operating and monitoring of Keystone XL. This includes a higher number of remotely controlled shut-off valves, increased pipeline inspections and burying the pipe deeper in the ground." Finally the company made another claim that the pipeline, its construction, and its distribution of oil sands will not affect the environment or lead to climate change "The tagline on which Keystone XL’s professional activist opposition has campaigned has no scientific merit. In fact, some of the world’s most prominent climate scientists agree that claim is nothing more than sensationalist hyperbole. David Keith, a climate scientist at Harvard University called, “The extreme statements — that this is ‘game over’ for the planet — are clearly not intellectually true”. Ken Caldeira, a climate researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford, California, says “I don’t believe that whether the pipeline is built or not will have any detectable climate effect”.
These claims seem to have merit and truth to them. As a civil engineer I know, the construction and safety of people will be at the forefront of these peoples minds as they build and design the pipeline. This company has a good safety record and hasn't had a major oil spill in years. There are new construction techniques and materials that are always improving and increasing safety. Nevertheless there is always the potential for something to go wrong. These claims are credible and the company likely has all intentions of staying true to their words. TransCanada sites renowned scientists and appeals to the made in America spirit by claiming that none of the oil is exported outside North America. They try to appeal to the emotions of people by talking about creating jobs and working with Canada and America. They also appeal to those who say big oil isn't being held responsible for climate change, however they say they are being responsible for not adding to climate change. Meanwhile they downplay the potential dangers of oil spills and catastrophic damage to local environments.
The TransCanada corporation is very similar to many other stakeholders in this situation, particularly the politicians who are fighting to get to the pipeline built because of new jobs and economic potential as well as people in their districts wanting the pipeline built. Although not all politicians want the pipeline to be built because their district doesn't want them to. The stakeholder that is the most dissimilar to the TransCanada corporation is of course the environmentalist groups that want the pipeline blocked completely. They would not agree with any of the points that TransCanada put forth.
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Anonymous, "TransCanada Logo" via Wikipedia Public Domain |
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