Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Local Revision: Passive and Active Voice

This blog post will look at analyzing the different types of verbs used in my QRG.

Active (Specific): believes, argue, release, desire, rejected, arrived, revive, discourages, oppose, destroy, expanded

Active (General): is, was, said, run, stems, came, supported, sited, open, passed, promised, continued, created, boosts, stay, promotes, creates, brings, feel, affect, want, cost, try, maintain, claim, portray, seen, cannot, need

Passive: was approved, was supported, have been targeted, has been given, would be, could carry, would connect, would transport, would allow, would cause, could make, did veto, was unable, was not finished, will be taken, be done, are confirmed, would cut, could destroy, could break, would add, will help, could poison, could have, have been discussed, have merit, have proven, will be, was harvested, being destroyed, being erased, can be linked, have taken, is guaranteed,  will not leak, cause damage

My current draft has quite a few passive verbs which is to be expected when talking about a pipeline and a controversy. Most of the active verbs in my QRG are all general and verbs that lack in specific tone. There are many instances of passive voice especially when talking about the pipeline and the controversy, active voice usually occurs when talking about stakeholders and their personal interests.

I feel that this draft could be improved by adding in new more vivid action verbs to describe the stakeholders as well as some describing the effects of the pipeline. Most of the passive verbs can probably remain as they talk about the controversy and not about particular people. This could increase the amount of senses that are engaged.

Anonymous, " Dr. Fricke Explains Passive and Active Voice", via YouTube
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