Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My Pronouns

This blog will attempt to identify each of the pronouns used in my QRG as well as who they refer to.

he (President Obama)
they (TransCanada)
they (TransCanada)
they (the stakeholders)
they (the arguers)
they (TransCanada)
they (environmental groups)
they (the stakeholders)
it (the pipeline)
it (the bill)
it (oil)
it (the pipeline)
it (the pipeline)
it (reality)
it (the truth)
their (possessive for environmental groups)
their (possessive for people in small towns)
their (possessive for people in small towns)
their (possessive for politicians)
their (possessive for people in small towns)
their (possessive for stakeholders)
their (possessive for stakeholders)
their (possessive for environmental groups)
their (possessive for small towns)
their (possessive for stakeholders)
their (possessive for TransCanada)
their (possessive for stakeholders)
his (possessive for President Obama)
its (possessive for TransCanada)
its (possessive for the bill)

Anonymous, "What are Pronouns?", via YouTube, Public Domain

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