Thursday, January 28, 2016

Evaluation of News Magazine Stories

One of the ways that Americans get their information on a daily basis is by reading news stories from national magazines. News magazines take information and throw in opinionated ideas that the writers know will intrigue and get their viewers talking about. For years America has been dealing with an infrastructure crisis which only continues to get worse so I went to see what one conservative magazine and one liberal magazine had to say on the infrastructure issue in this nation.

Both these stories deal with the lack of infrastructure funding and improvement measures even as our nations infrastructure crumbles at its seam. One article looks at the proposed measures to find funding for the nations infrastructure while the other looks at why they believe things haven't worked out the way they were promised over the last 5 years. Both articles involve the president and congress and the squabbling between them. The National Review and the New Republic have very different ideas on whose fault the gridlock is on, President Obama or Congress.

Anonymous, "Crumbling Infrastructure" via Flickr
CCO licence
Ultimately, there isn't anyone to feel sympathetic for besides the American people. The National Review and the New Republic can agree on one thing: the American people are getting screwed out of the promises they were delivered to manage the crumbling infrastructure of the nation. The American people are dealing with an aging infrastructure system, highways and water systems are quickly becoming antiquated. We drive on roads that are past their designed life period and trust bridges that are approaching 50 years old yet no solutions are in sight because of the gridlock that remains in the government.

The least sympathetic parties in this whole situation are the two parties that continue to squabble, the President and Congress. Perhaps the party that is the least conducive to sympathy is congress. Almost everyone can agree that they are the party that is at fault for the lack of action to solve the issue of America's infrastructure. Congress has had many chances to work with the President and pass some sort of funding bill to help provide the funding for rebuilding the nation's roads and bridges and waterways. Both articles emphasize that there have been opportunities for change and opportunities to try and pass a spending bill, The National Review blames the lack of action on the President while the New Republic blames it on congress. Without a collaborative effort by congress and the president, the nation will continue to face an ever worsening problem.

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