Friday, January 29, 2016

Cluster of Stakeholders

Every situation has stakeholders, people that stand to gain or lose something from a situation. Everyday people are affected by controversies and arguments and they may not know it. For example some people may not know that they were a stakeholder in the Keystone XL Pipeline controversy: but they were.

The cluster built to show how stakeholders were affected by the potential of building or not building this pipeline will show that certain groups stand to gain a lot from the pipeline while other groups stand a lot to lose from the pipeline being built. Big Oil groups obviously have a lot to gain from an oil pipeline while Environmentalist groups have a lot to lose should the pipeline be built incorrectly and cause a massive crude oil leak on land. The cluster shows how certain groups have certain interests and why they either like the proposed pipeline or dislike the proposed pipeline.
Linda Goldstein "Shimer College Protest" via Wikipedia
Creative Commons Licence

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